P l A Y  L e a R N  a N d  G r O w  H a P P Y


Skeleton placed in plexiglass - fish Maximize

Skeleton placed in plexiglass - fish


Natural skeletons of animals (lizard, rabbit, pigeon, fish, toad) placed in durable plexiglass to protect against dust and mechanical damage. Skeletons are a useful teaching aid that facilitates the implementation of the biology curriculum at different levels of education. They allow teachers to show students how to adapt the animal's bone structure, eg to how to move. Students who had the chance to see the preparations will also easily remember the characteristic features of the skeletal structure. They allow for close observation of objects sunk in them from every angle, they are also extremely durable, transparent and aesthetically made. In the preparations, the most important skeletal elements were marked with numbers. The included legend contains the names of the selected elements in English.

• dim. 19,8 x 8,6 x 3,8 cm